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- janine@thelockerroom.org.za
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Janine Gray
Professional Skills
Experience & Activities
Dr Janine Gray is passionate about sport having a positive impact on all who participate in it, from young to old, and from elite to recreational athletes. Janine’s research interests include biomechanics and motor control, with view to both enhancing athletic performance and simultaneously preventing sports injuries. Much of her research has investigated cricketers and water polo players. She currently holds an adjunct lecturing position at UCT in the Division of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine (ESSM), Department of Human Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences. Janine obtained her physiotherapy degree from Wits and obtained an honours degree in Exercise Science from the University of Cape Town before completing her PhD degree in 2012. Her thesis investigated the contribution of various aspects of biomechanical, physiological and muscle recruitment factors in the aetiology of low back pain in adolescent fast bowlers. She is a consultant for the Sri Ramachandra University, India and has co-ordinated the Cricket Centre of Excellence at the Institute. She previously held the position of Research Consultant for Cricket South Africa. Clinically, her interest is the shoulder and lumbar spine of adolescents with a special focus on the contribution of workload to many of the overuse injuries reported by sportsmen and women.